Benefits Social Fund


1. recruitment premiums
2. recruitment premiums for young people
3. extra premiums for time credit
4. redundancy coaching (sectoral outplacement)
5. training initiatives
6. LOGOS grant credit

1. Recruitment premiums

The companies in Joint Committee 226 have the right, under certain conditions, to a flat-rate premium from the Social Fund for every employee they have recruited and who had previously lost their job at another company in the sector (except in the case of dismissal during the first six months of an employment contract or due to misconduct). The premium amounts to 2,500 EUR (for full-time employment).

Documents: not available in English.


2. Recruitment premiums for young people

The companies in Joint Committee 226 have the right to a flat-rate premium paid by the Social Fund if they employ a young person as described in article 2 of the Royal Decree on at-risk groups. The young person (under 26 years of age) must be recruited with a permanent employment contract. The flat-rate premium amounts to 2,500 EUR (for full-time employment).

Documents: not available in English.


3. Extra premiums for time credit  

A new procedure applies from 1 January 2016.

Documents: not available in English.


4. Redundancy coaching (sectoral outplacement)

Employees in Joint Committee 226 who are dismissed by their employer have the right to redundancy coaching paid for by the Social Fund.

The procedure for employees with severance payments of 30 weeks or more has been adapted earlier this year. For more information, contact the secretary of the Social Fund.

Documents: not available in English.


5. Training initiatives

In the period 2015-2016, an overall average of six days has been allocated to each employee in service on 1 January 2015 to participate in training initiatives or training on the job. Within this six-day contingent, an average of two days were reserved for employees aged 45 or more.

The calculation of the overall number of days is done in terms of the technical business unit, with the number of employees expressed in full-time equivalents.

The employer is responsible for the specific distribution of the overall number of training days between the employees.

After the end of the period 2015-2016, the employer must report on the training initiatives to the appropriate consultation body on the basis of the reporting form available in Dutch and French.

Documents: not available in English.


The LOGOS training fund organises an extensive range of free training programmes in different regions across the country, which employees selected by companies in the sector may attend.

Read more: LIST OF FREE COURSES (click here).


6. LOGOS grant credit

Companies in Joint Committee 226 that organise training courses themselves with a view to the ongoing training of their employees can submit a project application to LOGOS in order to receive financial support. Every company has a grant credit for each calendar year. This amount is calculated on the basis of the number of employees in Joint Committee PC 226. LOGOS uses the most recent social security data available. This data continues to apply to the following calendar year. Any extensive changes during the calendar year will be investigated on an individual basis.

Read more:LOGOS grants (click here).